Young People’s Ministry
Our youth ministry is designed to introduce young children to Jesus
Christ and His love for us. We long to help them build a solid
relationship through age-appropriate lessons and activities.
Youth with a Voice Youth Ministry
This youth group is for young and older teens who are cultivating their
relationship with Christ. Age-appropriate lessons and activities prompt
interactions between leaders and their peers. These lessons and
interactions will enable young people to be examples of Jesus’ love in
their homes, schools, and communities.
First Impressions - Usher Ministry
Our greeters and ushers take delight in greeting and serving all those
who attend our services. We are careful to attend to the needs that
may arise during service while maintaining an orderly worship
Uncompromised Praise Dance Ministry
This ministry uses the art of dance as a means of worship. Songs and
dances will be used to glorify God and to express the message of God’s
gospel. This ministry seeks to bring themselves and others closer to
God through prayer, discipleship, and dance. This is not a ministry that
entertains but a ministry that ministers the gospel through dance.
Praise and Worship Team
The praise and worship team ushers in Holy Spirit through song and
exhortation. This ministry is partly responsible for setting the
atmosphere for a radical move of God. Through each team member
praying and studying the Word of God, our desire is to engage people
through song to a place of true worship.
Women’s Ministry
This ministry seeks out all women from all walks of life and meets them
where they are through a real application of the Bible. We aim to
empower, educate, and aid women in their personal walks with God
through a series of Bible based teachings and activities.
Men’s Ministry
The men’s ministry is designed to help men draw to God and each
other, developing on a natural and spiritual level. Through series of
studies and real-life applications, our goal is to help train them to take
their rightful positions in ministry, at home, and in life.